Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Teaser Tuesday #1

So this will be my first Teaser Tuesday... Once I saw it on Should be reading's blog I knew I just had to do it too! It just seems like Fun!.. =)
How it works:
Basically all you do is grab your current read, open it up onto a random page and share two sentences(teasers)from the page.. be sure not to include any spoilers! 
My Teasers:

"Odds are eleven percent there. But the bookies don't know that he lo-o-o-o-oves you,"
"...the last guy who said something like that to me while wearing nothing but a robe, I beat senseless with a chair leg."

Okay.. so those are my two teasers from the book Pale Demon by Kim Harrison (pg 226), I shall put up a review soon but if you'd like to know more about the book just click on the link and it should take you to Goodreads. 
I'd love to hear about the books you're currently reading.. or if you're doing a Teaser Tuesday blog too leave the URL to your post behind and I'll be sure to visit! =)
Happy Reading! XO


  1. Oh, I love teaser tuesdays!!! So many great books to be taunted with!
    My teaser: http://justabooklover.blogspot.com/2012/05/teaser-tuesday-5.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+JustABooklover+%28Just+a+Booklover%E2%99%A5%29

    Urm . . . Go Team LuxingAfterDaemon!!!!


  2. I've heard such good things about Kim Harrison's books.. I need to read them!
    Thanks for stopping by my TT!
