Review Policy

Review Policy

General information

I am currently accepting select Young Adult, Cook Books or Fiction for review.I also accept all beauty products for review, for more information on my review policy for this, you can send all emails to shystar18 at googlemail dot com.

I accept ARCs, finished copies, ebooks and audiobooks. If the book is a part of a series, then I may need the previous books.

I am NOT accepting self-published books at this time, there may be exceptions to this rule- email for more info. 

                                    I enjoy YA and fiction in the following genres:

Fairy tale/myth retellings 
Books with happy endings 

                             I am NOT accepting books in the following genres:
Non-romance contemporary books 
"Issues" books (dying mothers, cancer diagnoses, mental illnesses, family drama, etc) 
Extremely political or "hot button" topics 
Free verse novels 
Short story compilations 
Religeous fiction 

Accepting Books

If I accept a book for review, that does not guarantee a review, but it does guarantee promotion through a mention in my Goodreads page.

I will make every effort to read and review in a timely fashion and with regard to release dates, but I cannot guarantee this. I prefer to receive a book 1-2 months prior to when you would like the review posted.


I am happy to host a giveaway for you! My criteria for hosting giveaway books is the same as that for review books. Please refer to the the genre, publisher, and book format requirements for review books.

Entries will be compiled using Rafflecopter.

If you would like me to host a giveaway for a book, please be sure to include the following information in your request:

Format of the book (ARC, hardcover, softcover, audiobook)
Shipping requirements (US, US/CA, or International)
Run time of the giveaway
Any additional information you would like included

Shystar x

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